Are you collecting all of your royalties?

Royalty Review Council provides professional royalty audit services with specialization in digital transmissions (i.e., downloads, streaming subscriptions, webcasts, and pay-per-play businesses through channels of distribution or purchase such as computers and mobile devices). We specialize in digital transmissions audits.  Our compliance examinations look for amounts of unreported and/or underreported royalties generated from the licensing of and/or illegal use of creative works (e.g., music copyrights, record masters, video games, films, television shows, audio books, etc.).

Why Major Clients Choose RRC for Digital Royalty Audits

  • Specialized digital exam processes
  • Track record of over 200 DSP exams
  • Worldwide reach
  • Chosen by Major Labels & Publishers
  • Ability to handle large data (e.g., over 100TB of data in a single process)
  • Investment in infrastructure

We are the pioneers in the development of procedures to audit online digital service providers

We blended the traditional procedures of a royalty exam with review procedures related to the servers that control, count, and identify content to be reported to licensors. Our procedures cover most digital transmissions (i.e. download, subscription, webcast, stream, and pay-per-play businesses). In each audit, we research original licensing agreements, review data and system workflows, investigate payment procedures and issue a comprehensive report of our findings.

Digital Services We Have Recently Audited

  • AdRev
  • Amazon Digital Services
  • Apple Music/iTunes
  • Google/YouTube
  • iHeart
  • Mood Media/Muzak
  • Neurotic
  • Pandora
  • SoundCloud
  • Spotify
  • T-mobile
  • Tesla
  • Tidal
  • TikTok

We Started Performing Digital Audits In The Early 2000s.

Selected History Of Digital Services We Have Audited

  • America Online, Inc.
  • Amazon Digital Services
  • Apple Music/iTunes
  • Beatport
  • Beasley Broadcasting
  • Beethoven Radio
  • Clear Channel
  • Cumulus Media, Inc.
  • Digitally Imported
  • DKCM
  • Inc.
  • Google/YouTube
  • Greater Media
  • iHeart
  •, Ltd.
  • Live365, Inc.
  • MediaNet Digital
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Mood Media/Muzak
  • MTV Networks
  • MySpace
  • Napster, LLC
  • Neurotic
  • Pandora
  • RealNetworks, Inc.
  • Saga Communications, Inc.
  • SoundCloud
  • Spotify
  • Sprint
  • Susquehanna Radio Corp.
  • T-mobile
  • Verizon
  • Yahoo!, Inc.
  • ….and more!

In 2004 we crafted the procedures to conduct statutory music audits. Here is a look back at copies of Notices of Intent to Audit eligible nonsubscription and new subscription services that transmit sound recordings under statutory licenses are available from The Copyright Office of The Library of Congress).

We provide comprehensive services for worldwide royalty audits

  • Examinations of Digital Service Providers on behalf of Record Companies, Music Publishers, Book Publishers, Game Companies and Film & Television Studios
  • Record Company and Collection Society examinations on behalf of Recording Artists, Producers, Publishers, Executives and Licensors
  • Music Publishing Company examinations on behalf of Songwriters, Publishers, and Administrators
  • Examinations of the books and records of licensors, licensees, and collection organizations on behalf of Sound Recording Copyright Owners and Featured Artists entitled to sound recordings performance right royalties in the context of webcast, cable, and satellite transmissions
  • Merchandise examinations on behalf of Trademark Owners

Experienced Royalty Auditors

Our management team includes royalty audit professionals who were responsible for the direct oversight of the contractual compliance of the royalty payment terms for new releases, catalog products, and special market licenses at the major entertainment companies. Most royalty audit firms only understand the entertainment business from the outside - we understand the complexities and nuances of this business from the inside. Our experience is invaluable in determining unreported and/or underreported revenue and royalties. Members of our professional team include Certified Public Accountants and Fellows of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (in England and Wales). Royalty Review Council is affiliated with a number of independent accounting firms and consulting firms outside the U.S. to provide worldwide professional staff support.