The digital distribtuion of music by online music services created the need to establish procedures to verify the royalty payments from online music services or which may otherwise be payable by the online music service in connection with the digital transmission and exploitation of licensed sound recordings or musical compositions.
We have blended the traditional procedures of a royalty exam with a set of review procedures related to the servers that control, count, and identify content to be reported to licensors. Our procedures cover most digital transmissions (i.e. download, subscription, webcast, stream, and pay-per-play businesses through channels of distribution or purchase such as kiosks, computers, TV set top boxes, and wireless devices).
We have conducted audits of digital music service providers on behalf of major record labels, independent record labels, artists, publishers, and SoundExchange. Audits that are now in progress or that have been completed include Apple’s iTunes music service, eMusic, AOL Music, Microsoft, Clear Channel, Yahoo Music, Real Music, MTV, and a number of other leading digital service providers and mobile carriers.
Please contact us for further information.